Akashic Records

Akashic Records are a mere collection of one's past life karmas, stored in the vibrational form, at energy level. If you truly believe and are aligned to receiving messages, information of lifetimes is accessible in moments. Akashic Records provide the means to do so.
Akashic is a Sanskrit word meaning "ether" or "space" and since records are stored in energy form, hence Akashic Records. Akashic Records is called Book of Life in the Bible, Book of Remembrance in the Torah, and in the Hindu context Book of Karma.
Karma meaning 'action' is a Sanskrit word from the Vedas, and is responsible for cause and effect. All of one's actions, in each lifetime, are documented in one's records. These can be compared to a huge library where each soul has a series of books and each book represents a different lifetime
Akashic Records therefore contains all imprints of one’s actions, including unfinished business and accumulated karmic debts, which are carried over to lifetimes to come.
Alternatively, we can imagine it like a complicated system of internet information, where one can "google" through one’s Akashic Records to find answers to mysteries around issues, patterns, situations and relationships. This will create awareness leading to solutions, and to healing at multiple levels.
The guidance that comes as a result of accessing the connected information becomes the means to look at problems or issues in a different light, thus creating awareness of the blockages caused due to belief systems, fear, etc.
Nothing is a coincidence – if you are still reading then it means there is a divine message coming your way.
Whether you wish to do a reading or to learn to access the records, it will start an amazing journey... prove to be a beautiful gift to yourself.
How can a session help?
- Understand why a situation or relationship is proving difficult
- Ancestral issues and how to work on them.
- Resolve recurring patterns.
- Align yourself to your Soul Goal.
- Know your Spirit Guides and how they can help.
- Life Purpose - What is it? How can we work towards it?